Co-Founder of Technion F1/10 Autonomous Racing Team

As a co-founder of the Technion F1/10 Autonomous Racing Team, I played a key role in establishing and launching the team, which focuses on researching and developing cutting-edge technology in the field of autonomous racing. The team's work involves implementing with control, SLAM, & motion planning algorithms.


Reactive Methods

At the Technion ECE Demo-Day, our team successfully demonstrated the car with reactive methods, including PID wall-following, and follow-the-gap algorithms. The car was able to react quickly to avoid random obstacles placed in its path

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Coming soon


Coming soon

Skills Used/Learned

  • Experience with Ubuntu
  • Robot Operating System (ROS) knowledge, including building and deploying nodes, creating and using topics, services, and actions
  • Experience with ROS2
  • Experience with C++ and Python
  • Algorithm design and implementation, including experience with path planning, motion control, and SLAM algorithms
  • Verifying algorithms in simulation (Gazebo)
  • Ability to work with different sensors, such as lidars and IMUs, and integrate them into a robotics system (incl. RViz)
  • Experience with the NVIDIA Jetson platform, including working with the Jetson Xavier
  • Familiarity with using SSH to remotely access and control the Jetson board from a host computer, including transferring files and running commands

Source Code

F1/Tenth Github Repo